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Mumsnet welcomes news that Online Safety Bill - which could have 'catastrophic implications' - has been paused

Mumsnet comments on news that the passage of the Online Safety Bill through Parliament has been paused.

By Mumsnet HQ | Last updated Apr 17, 2024

On Wednesday 13th July, news broke that the Online Safety Bill's passage through Parliament has been paused. Mumsnet founder and CEO Justine Roberts comments:

Online abuse is an issue that disproportionately affects women - who make up the majority of Mumsnet's users - and it's clear there is a need for safeguards in law. But in its current form, the Online Safety Bill would have catastrophic implications for free speech and risk shutting down women's voices with its ill-defined reference to 'legal but harmful' content. We welcome the news that the Bill's passage has been paused, and look forward to working with the next government on a new approach to online safety that protects adults and children online without threatening freedom of expression".

For more from Mumsnet on the Online Safety Bill, read this post from Justine earlier this year. To find out more about Mumsnet campaigns click here and to sign up to our Impact emails, click here.