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Don’t forget to vote: local elections on Thursday 5th May

Find out if you have elections and where you can vote.

By Mumsnet HQ | Last updated Apr 17, 2024

Local elections take place in Scotland, Wales and many areas of England tomorrow, as well as National Assembly elections in Northern Ireland. And there’s even a referendum in Bristol!

Voting in these elections is key as these politicians will be taking decisions that affect you and your children - on everything from childcare and education to green spaces, parking (#parkingthreads), transport and funding for local areas.

Enter your postcode below to find out:

  • If you have elections and which elections

  • Who your candidates are

  • Where you can vote

If the widget isn't appearing for you, it's on this Democracy Club page.

And if you'd like to help make local politics more accessible, to women and parents of young children as well as those with other caring responsibilities and disabilities, get involved in our #KeepCouncilMeetingsAccessible campaign.