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Vitamin B6 to increase luteal phase?

8 replies

Siarie · 26/07/2014 09:10

Hi everyone,

I had a short luteal phase which I think caused a chemical pregnancy this month. Just come off birth control which is probably why my cycles are wacked. I ovulated late and had a 23 day cycle compared to my pre BC 28 days.

Now I'm sure that given time it would sort itself out but I'm a control freak. I just found people saying that taking vitamin b6 helped increase their luteal phase and thus they got their BFP or at least that needed extra time.

Has anyone done this before?

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Siarie · 26/07/2014 09:13

Also if so how much as I'm already taking 10mg which is in my preconception vitamins. :)

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Popalina · 26/07/2014 10:09

Hi, I believe that some folks take B6 because they say it can help to increase your progesterone level, and low progesterone is a common culprit of a short LP. It didn't work for me, but progesterone supplements got me pregnant the first month of taking them because I had a low level. You would need to see a specialist to get the latter ( I haven't heard of NHS GPs prescribing progesterone supplements) but you could certainly try B6 inn case it works. I am afraid I don't know how much. I think I bought a general B vitamin pill but I wasn't taking any other vits.

How short is your LP?

Siarie · 26/07/2014 10:13

Well it was 8/9 days this cycle and I'm eager to do what I can to increase that for next. I'm taking 10mg a day in my multi vitamin but I think it needs to be more than that?

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Siarie · 26/07/2014 10:17

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MrsHuxtableReturns · 26/07/2014 13:49

I did and it worked.

Siarie · 26/07/2014 14:33

How much did you take MrsHux?

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Treesandbees · 26/07/2014 17:35

I have an 9/10 LP. I suffered and early miscarriage in 2012 and after reading about LPD I wondered if this was the cause. So started taking Vit B6 and got pregnant! Now have a 1 yo DS. Currently TTC#2 and my LP is again 9/10 days so after a couple of months I'm back on Vit B6. Both times Ive taken 50mg on top of prenatal vits. This month my LP was 11 days! I definitely think it helps. I've just run out so ordered 100mg tablets (your body just excretes what it doesn't need) and some Angus castus as that can help as well as keen to get pg ASAP! Good luck!

Siarie · 26/07/2014 22:56

I think I'm going to give it one more cycle and if it's still too short I'll up my B6. I want to give my body a chance to get back to how it used to be, then if not I'll have to intervene! Thanks everyone for their comments so far

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